Dr. Lilian Cabiron

Hello, I am Dr Lilian Cabiron

I specialize in guiding people to learn how to experience a healthy way to navigate life’s stressors, creating a life emotionally, physically and mentally healthier and filled with contentment. Having a unique blend of scientific and holistic training weaved within a fabric of contemplative practices, I facilitate the work that leads to learning, growing, healing and transformation. 

You probably have been working very hard and committing to your choices in the attempt to obtain the life you wish. A life filled with peace, following your creativity, contributing in a way that gives you purpose and in harmonious balance with your health and within the society. In order to achieve that way of living you have asserted, every day, some kind of control over small or big things, knowingly or un-knowingly. It has felt exhausting and frustrating because you seem to never get there. In that attempt to shape things according to what you “think should be” perhaps you have tried to run away from your fears about the future or your regrets and ruminations about past events. 

The balance that you are longing for is already present and very close to all of us. You have, deep within you, the capacity for healing, authentic peacefulness and get a much deeper wisdom. Often, that capacity is awakened when a life-threatening condition, a major loss or another traumatic event tear away the fabric of everyday living. But it is possible to choose to mobilize that competence if you have the determination to do so. You have the potential for healing and transformation.

Celebrating more than 30 years of Healing Practice

My Journey …

I was a successful Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst, working for many years in the strict frame of traditional sciences. I worked at many mental health institutions, had my private practice, studied relentlessly and constantly felt the impulse towards striving.  My judgement did not allow me space for spirituality because in my blind spotted world the only truth was in the medical books. There was tension, unhappiness and rigidity in my life. It was only when unexpectedly I became a widow at a young age that my world started to shake to the core. In an attempt to control and fix the explosion of my dreams and reality I moved to SA and committed to an extremely unhealthy relationship. Many years passed in unhappiness, walking on eggshells. I tried to control, fix, trust and accept the impossible.  It took me three admissions to emergencies to gather the intentionality to heal my whole life. My body was revealing the words that were trapped in it.

It demanded from me a long and sturdy commitment to deep-self and mindful work, a couple of intense immersions in India, and the cultivation of spirituality, to be able to free myself, grow, and survive the most unexpected and dreaded event in my life: losing my first son.

I now live my life committed, disciplined, and with the intention to cultivate mindfulness every day, every moment, as much as I can. I now look back and see that the resilience and the possibility to live life to the fullest is the biggest gift we all have, and I honour it to the utmost of my abilities.

It is my desire and purpose in this life to assist you in discovering that gift: the present moment.

Living with Present-Moment Awareness or commanded by stress reactivity?