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All Transformation is Change But not All Change is Transformation. So, what is Transformational Coaching, Anyway?

The word transformation is, by definition, a marked, radical change in form or appearance. Following that concept, it is possible to symbolize transformation as a metamorphosis: a process of deep change in which an individual evolves from one stage to the next in his/her life history, achieving new and more mature form. 

Transformational coaching work dives deep into the psyche of a person facilitating an exploration of who the person is, and which is her/his deepest true. Cultivating awareness of the moment can start the clients´ fine tuning into their inner-self discovering which are the choices in their life that really honors their essence as human beings. 

Transformational coaching process guides the client to explore their beliefs, images and interpretations about who they are and how they live their lives. That explorations brings about the possibility to free themselves from patterns that have kept the person constricted in the way they experience their life. Those are changes that occur at a core level, “transforming” the clients’ existence. That metamorphosis creates the necessary changes for the person to embrace their life to the fullest of its experience.  

Contrary to all other coaching approaches that focuses on “doing”, transformational coaching focuses on BEING. The transformational work pursues the embodiment of a life fully lived, beyond limiting beliefs.

So, essentially, Transformational Coaching is:

  • Focus on BEING. 
  • Deep self-work.
  • Cultivation of awareness. 
  • Embodiment of your true self.

The commitment and work of transformational coaching will potentially take you to emerge from your cocoon becoming the beautiful butterfly that is waiting to reveal in you.

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